the series so far… play boys. again, these are rough drafts only. colour balance and crop and the finer editing remains to be done…. just first impressions. in the doggy picture the content of the laptop screen (a coloured ball) is still missing. but it’s enough for a rough idea. while i like the latest picture with the good night kiss, i find the centre possibly too messy… i may retake it or, at least, the lamp.I am a little torn here. a conservative (and commercial) aesthetic would demand that picture eölements do not interfere with each, and the picture should ideally be simple to scan. Then again, on another level, the whole thing IS messy… infantile drives and desires mixing with adult sex practice is never going to be easy to grasp, clear at first glance, or simple… the juxtaposition of this rubber breathing tube with the cuddly toys under the lamp and the mouse in the bottom’s hand is a messy look, but it suits, in my opinion, the subject. My mate Markus and I have had a lively discussion about it… he, the fashion photographer, who likes a pretty reductionist and clear aesthetic, is happy with the picture as it is while I am having second thoughts….
working in a freezing cold and noisy industrial space takes a toll… i worry about the models freezing–though there is a gas fan heater to provide a bit of warmth to them–while i crouch or lie on the floor, with my mate Markus, who is kindly assisting me, already suffering from a terrible cold. so, i feel under pressure from my own discomfort and that of everyone else involved to get it over and done with quickly.
Just hoping for the temperature to rise a bit again and then go back. some of the next scenes will involve a playpool and a bath and water and liquids, which i hope will not freeze in mid-air…
Tags: childhood, fetish, gay, sex, sm